Lean In Construction
On Time, On Budget, Right Quality… Bull
Beat the Schedule, Well Under Budget, Perfect Quality… if you’re going to have a vision, have the right one!
Do you know every single task to be completed today? Why Not? Would you give up 1 hour per day to know what every single task is and the status of that task throughout the day?
The executive team leader is responsible for changing the culture…
Effort vs. Execution
Should be vs. What is
How Can I Help? The GS/PM philosophy!
The AS/PE Dyad…. A two person team with a single purpose
The most important team in the construction company… yeah, that’s right!!
Lean Integrated provides extensive experience in Lean construction processes. Our consultants include executive contractors, owners and architects. Our learning and experience come directly from the Japanese therefore our training follows suit. We provide training and certification courses in support of the Lean Construction Institute.
While the Lean transformation model tends to become more philosophical the further you ascend through the management ranks, each member of the organization owns specific tasks. The CEO is responsible for the strategic planning team, the VP of Operations is responsible for Lean implementation on specific job sites, the site Superintendent & Project Manager are responsible for the Last Planner Schedule, the 6WLA and the Percent Planned Complete. The superintendent and project managers for each of the trades are responsible for meeting their commitments, buying and selling their work and planning for upcoming events. The architect, engineer and owner are responsible for supplying the right information and making the right decisions at the right time.
The Lean Integrated transformational model combines didactic training, supported by hands on workshops, followed by immediate hands on application. Each process advances members of the team toward their next level of certification. All components of the Lean transformation are intricately woven to include support of the strategic plan, which identifies the focused value stream, which drives the improvement process, which provides the platform for training, real time process improvement, individual lean certification and most importantly, improved customer experience.
Daily management is a component of Lean that is new to the construction industry. While the contractor focuses on overall project management, each trade focuses on its own process improvement. Analysis of individual trades reveals a significant opportunity for reduced process waste. Jobsite mobilization planning, task setup optimization, 5S carts, and kanban systems are all lean tools that support the reduction of waste leading to improved target outcomes. Teams learn to apply basic lean tools such as the transformation of internal setup to external, cascade scheduling, load leveling, travel time reduction, and mistake-proofing. The contractor works with trade management to invoke “stop the line” when problems occur. Each week the contractor and trades challenge themselves to drive the Lean process deeper into their own organizations.

While Lean is a term used to denote continuous daily improvement, 3P is the term used to denote radical, large scale change. Target Value Design and Integrated Project Design are components of the 3P philosophy. The proper application of these Lean tools will only be effective once significant progress toward LPS effectiveness is achieved. As with all Lean processes, the customer is at the center of the 3P process. Six of the last eight hospital/clinics Lean integrated facilitated the 3P process during the design, saved the healthcare system a combined $289 million. All of those changes
were implemented at the request of the patients and front-line care staff. 3P is a significant cost reduction tool, but more importantly it improves the healthcare
experience for both the patient and provider. Involving the contractor, the trades, architects, engineers and owners, will greatly improve the constructability of the facility during the design.
Lean takes hard work and commitment. Ask us, we will put you in contact with executives, contractors, project managers, superintendents, whomever you may prefer to hear their Lean story. They will not tell you it was easy, they will all tell you it was worth it.