The Concept Group is an electrical contractor based in Calgary, Alberta. Shortly after beginning work on the Saskatchewan Hospital in North Battleford, they partnered with Lean Integrated International to begin implementation of the Lean Construction process. This has been an exciting time for Lean Integrated as we were instrumental in the application of the Lean 3P process during the design phase of this project. The new Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford (SHNB) is a provincial psychiatric facility that will replace the existing facility that is over one century old. The new 284-bed SHNB will have 188 beds replacing the existing 156-bed facility, and 96 secure beds for male and female offenders living with mental health issues.

The Concept Group began their Lean journey through the application of the Last Planner Scheduling system. The complexity of the project required significant detail, which was managed through the application of the 6 week look ahead process.
As each team gained proficiency in the application of the Last Planner Scheduling system, they began to implement the daily management process. While fishbone diagrams identified the Manpower,
Machines, Materials and Methods (4M’s) required to accomplish each task, the 5S and Kanban systems supported the organization and immediate availability of the tools and supplies required.
Lean Integrated is proud to continue supporting the citizens of Saskatchewan as they seek to optimize their resources throughout this top rated healthcare system. While Saskatchewan has been recognized around the globe as one of the most progressive healthcare systems in the world, they continue to forge new opportunities through the application of Lean during construction.
The Concept Group, with offices in Saskatoon, not only continue the Lean process, but fearlessly drive it forward. Lean Integrated is proud to be part of the process and part of the ongoing Lean effort in Saskatchewan.